Wednesday, May 11, 2005


It had to have been about a month ago that I opened my mailbox and began shuffling through the envelopes. Bill, bill, junk, card, junk, junk...then my heart stopped momentarily as my eyes caught a glimpse of the return address in the corner of one particular envelope. El Dorado High school Class of 1995. Holy crap, my 10 year reunion. I hopped in my van and opened the letter, still feeling slightly light headed and short of breath. A quick read-thru informed me that our reunion would be at the end of September. Hmmmm...How am I going to pull this off? The kids will be only a few weeks into the school year, I'll have to find someone to keep my very large Golden Retriever, Al will likely be gone...again, and I get to fly all the way back to Kansas with six kids to attend a reunion by myself. WOO HOO!! Good Times!!

Oh come on! Let's be honest! A huge part of me is excited at the prospect of my reunion. I grew up with these people. I want to see Jas, Man, Sar, Jos, Mik, Tor, Mat, and Am. From the 1st grade these were the kids I stood next to in the lunch line, played 4-square with at recess, passed notes to during class, sang with in Encore, acted with in Drama, laughed with in between classes and celebrated with at graduation. These, and 200 more, are the names and faces that grace the pages of my yearbook. These were my friends.

So September it is. I'm not overly obsessed with the things I thought I would be. My weight, my job, my hair. I've no old flames to impress. I was already married! I am who I am and I'm happy with myself. Take me or leave me, I couldn't care less. Besides, those things aren't going to keep me from having a good time! For me, this reunion has nothing to do with comparing myself to the people I went to school with. I dig my life. I just want to see some old friends, catch up on the last ten years and hang out!

Hmmmm, according to this letter my reunion weekend is going to be full of tailgate parties, bonfires, football games, golf (blah), a tour of my old high school, and dinners with old pals. Not bad. Some of these activities will kill two birds with one stone as far as I am concerned. I 'll reminisce with old friends while watching my cousin play football, and maybe during that tour of the school I'll run into my little sister! (She'll be a senior). Lucky for me my entire family (and my husbands) still live in Kansas, so I'll get to visit the family. I'll even finally get the chance to meet my little brother G! (He'll turn one this June).

My one problem? With this letter came a reply card. No big deal, just some simple questions. Name: Ran D. Spouses Name: Al. Names of Children...yeah I turn to the back for that one! Where Do You Live: Too far. Occupation: Hmmmmm, Party liaison? No, no. Domestic Goddess? Defiantly not. Professional shopper? Possibly...nah...leave it blank. Favorite High school memory: ~favorite high school memory~ Alright, having a bit of trouble with this one. Do I have high school memories? Yeah I suppose. Let's see. Getting pregnant (twice), getting married (just once, hehe), missing 3 months of my senior year to hang out with Al in Colorado. Perhaps not what the reunion committee is looking for. I guess compared to the experiences I have had since, all of my high school memories sound a little corny. Singing, acting, laughing, slacking off. I can't even really pinpoint one memory. My mind is too full of them. (I'm a cancer).

So here I sit. 4 days before this little card is supposed to be in the hands of the reunion committee, and I can't think of one silly memory. Isn't it weird? Those were supposed to be the best times of my life, the best. Honestly, the last 10 years have been pretty great. The last 3 have been a blast. I've met some fabulous people, visited some amazing places and learned a lot about myself. Yeah, high school was fun, but it was nothing compared to my life since!

1 comment:

... said...

You know, I think reunions sound like a great idea when you are still in school...afterwards they just don't end up being.

I have not made it to a high school reunion. I had a small group of friends that I hung with and none of them come back to our home town so it would not be that great for me (not to mention that half of them were in the class behind us).

I did go to my college 10 year reunion and that was fun (but in college I had a much greater circle of friends, even though I only really keep in touch with a few of them). It was cool to see where everyone was.

One nice thing is that college people don't change physically as much as teenagers do after 10 years. We would all love to be in our 18 year old bodies again (and most of us are not), but I am pretty close to my 22 year old body. So at the college reunion we didn't have the "body shock".