Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday, August 21, 2006

Good Friends!

Because I haven't written in so long I decided to post a few pics of some of my bestest buds here on island. I only posted a few because there is no possible way I could get everyone in here....but at the very least you'll get to see a few of those I know & luuuuuv! Toodles!

RockYou slideshow

Ban "LOL"

I absolutely despise the acronym "LOL". I've decided to use the word *giggle* instead. You must admit, a refined *giggle* is so much more realistic than a full belly laugh after EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE. Honestly....who does that?

The truth is...if we really "LOLed" as much as we write "LOL" it would get seriously annoying.....

blah blah blah LOL blah blah blah LOL blah blah blah LOLOLOLOL! JEEZ-US, enough already!

And now...after much deliberation with my girl, Sonia, we have decided to take it upon ourselves to change the course of internet history.....muahahahahahaha!!!

We will, before your very eyes, single-handedly bring to the world the new and improved acronyms "CKL" for chuckle & "GGL" for giggle.

These....the sounds of utter delight and amusement...are so much more pleasing to the invisible "ears" in which everyone now "hears" the words written upon their screens.

So EMBRACE the "CKL" & "GGL", my friends. Embrace like you have never embraced before!!

Do you see the ridiculous depths to which my intelligence drops when I havent slept! UGH! I'm outtie. I can not continue to destroy the fragile fibers of friendship being woven here by my late night stupidity! Toodles!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Cha Ching!!

I'm beginning to think that I need to set up completely seperate savings accounts for Christmas & the beginning of school.

School begins in two weeks and I've already spent a little over $2000.00 on clothes & school supplies. OUCH!

And now, I've just gone through my purchases & realize I still need to buy the boys jeans and maybe a shirt or two. Not only that, but as the first week of school looms ahead I must keep in mind that teachers always send home new and improved lists of must haves once their students arrive.

My husband may have a heart attack.

This being said....drop by my house anytime during the month of December. It's pathetic really. I will admit that I spoil my kids a tad, but even if I only bought 4 gifts a piece we'd have 24 gifts shoved under our tree...JUST FOR THE KIDS!

Honestly though, when have I ever just bought 4 gifts a piece for the kids at Christmas.
