Friday, July 29, 2005

Laundry Room Floor

For those of you keeping up with Alex's blog as well, yes I am once again caught up on laundry. Consider it a bonus to his test pass.

Anyhooo, I guess we are going out to celebrate tonight rather than drown his sorrows. All I know is that my house is CLEAN, laundry is DONE and supper is COOKING!! Ah, how wonderful when everything is going according to plan. The only thing that could possibly make this day better is a Mango Frappachino & a late night Subway run. We'll see.

Been working on the girls room this week. Washing bedding, hanging lights, putting up shelves. I even hung these cool cutout things in their doorway. They are reminiscent of the beads that used to hang in my Uncle Jim's house sometime in the early 80's (?). Man, I dug those beads. I would walk back and forth through them for hours while the adults "chilled". Anyway, we have plans to put climbing rope up in the boys doorway. That will be a daddy thing.

I suppose I should go finish up dinner. The kids are climbing the walls!! Besides, it's always better to drink on a full stomach!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Pearly Whites

Around 5:30 yesterday we had a little excitement enter our lives. The kids were outside jumping on the trampoline when, without any warning, Kayl's left front tooth decided it would like to play with Tristyn's hard head. Unfortunately, Tristyn's head wasn't in the mood for games and Kayl's tooth was promptly tossed to the ground....root and all.

Poor Kayl ran screaming and bleeding into the house where he deposited the tooth in my hand. I quickly rinsed it under the tap and stuck it back in the empty space in his mouth. "Looks like someone needs a trip to the ER!!!" Good Times.

We drove (in traffic) to the Dental Hospital on Foster. When we finally arrived around 6:30 they had to call the dentist in from Courtney. So we waited for him to drive (in traffic) to check out Kayl's mouth. In the meantime they took x-rays and we filled out paperwork.

When the dentist finally showed, he took a look at Kayl and his x-rays and called me back. It seems the root on Kayl's tooth is about HALF the size of that on a normal tooth. His other teeth look fine, but this one....not so great. At first the dentist thought perhaps there had been a prior trauma to the tooth, but said that when he looked closer it just looked like it never developed correctly.

So there I was, in an empty dental hospital ( save for Kayl and I, the dentist, and two aids) explaining how at three Kayl knocked his baby tooth on his grandma's coffee table and it died. Could that have caused trauma to the adult tooth forming behind? Or perhaps it is hereditary, and it never developed because of that little "missing teeth" thing that runs on daddy's side of the family.

Whatever the case, the prognosis for Kayl's tooth was not good. Because the root is so small they were going to have a difficult time getting the tooth to stay put, and even then there was a chance the tooth wouldn't be able to "take hold" again.

They worked for 2 hours attempting to splint his tooth into place. Kayl now has a lovely little piece of wire glued to his four front teeth. We have to go back in two weeks to see if they were indeed able to save the tooth. If not they will have to pull it and replace it.

Kayl did really really well. He took the time to focus and breathe through the shots. And he didn't freak out when the dentist had to push his tooth into place. He told me on the ride home that he really liked this dentist because other dentists would tell you that something wasn't going to hurt, but it would. This one was honest and told Kayl everything he was doing and why.

A little good news in all this: Kayl's two front teeth are now aligned and the dentist told us that the rest of his teeth look great so he should never need braces.

Bad news?: This has renewed my deep desire to go to dental school. I can't explain why I have always been so fascinated by the dental field...but I am. Who knows. Maybe I'll go someday. Anything is possible, right?

I'll keep you updated on Kayl's tooth!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Growing up Brady

I will soon be losing my "blog fan base" (hehehe!) to a much more interesting group of kids.

Yep, the kiddoes started a blog of their own. I have to admit I am slightly worried as to what they will spend their time writing....."My sister is a PIG." "I hate sharing a room." "My mom won't let me go to the pool again!!" "School STINKS!!!" "I wish I was an only child!!!"


Have to hope for the best though. I'm standing back with a watchful them space to grow creatively, but ready to step in if things get out of hand. Surely not!

They are a indeed a funny group. "Marcia" and "Greg" will likely keep us all in stitches. They both decided they wanted people to know what it is like growing up in our large family. Since all the kids seem to have an odd fascination with the Brady Bunch, they named their blog as such. I'm only sorry our problems can't be solved in 30 minutes of less. *bummer*

At any rate, it should give us a little glimpse into the life & times of the "Brady kids".

It's Been A While....

And the masses are screaming.....Where has she gone? Why doesn't she blog?

Okay, so maybe not "masses" per sey, but a few of you none the less. My answer is quite man is home. That and the fact that the workers building new towers down the road from our house broke the main cable line, so over half of Kadena was without television or internet. Not to worry! I filled my time with Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Life is full of....well, nothing much really. We have been spending most of our time at home. Well, I have been. The kids are busy with friends and life. Al is in the midst of a school which keeps him working 6 days a week. He is home in the evenings, but by then is so exhausted we barely see the man before he crashes.

He has however had plenty of time to get me addicted to The Shield. It seems he got himself hooked on it during his last deployment and when he returned he felt the awesome need to begin renting the seasons. We are now half way through season 3. CRAZINESS! Season 4 isn't out on DVD yet, so I figure after this we'll start renting Dead Like Me. It keeps us busy.

I want to say the kids are enjoying their summer. I suppose they are, however, how many weeks can you fill with the pool and a trampoline? Boredom is beginning to set in a bit and they are anxious to get back to school. Unfortunately school is still five weeks away.

We spent this afternoon school supply shopping. At first I was going to go without the kids, but they were all so excited I couldn't very well leave them behind. So I decided to take the kids out for lunch and then head to the Foster Bookmark. That is where our adventure began.

First of all they don't have shopping carts at the Bookmark, only baskets. This is all well and good considering most people just pop in to buy a few magazines, a book, or a few office supplies. I however am readying five children for the start of the school year. Good thing I brought the kids along. Tristyn took the younger kids over to the children's reading area while Kayl and Ashton grabbed a basket each. This is precisely when the "supply tornado" overtook that poor little shop.

Black pens, blue pens, red pens, highlighters, pink erasers, cap erasers, skinny markers, fat markers, washable markers, 8-16 & 24 count crayons, 3-ring binders, pocket folders, composition books, wide rule paper, spiral notebooks, no.2 pencils, primary pencils, paints, headphones (for music class), rulers, glue, glue sticks, compasses, protractors, assignment books, and two new backpacks. WHEW!!!! The poor lady in line behind us looked as though she could've bludgeoned us to death. (I am fairly sure she only had a small book in her hand.)

$130.00 later we were trudging to the van, bags in tow. We headed home to split the supplies and fill backpacks. The kids were a buzz of energy. "I'm scared to go to 3rd grade." "Did Ashton need this in 5th grade?" "I hope my teacher is nice!" "Do we paint in kindergarten?" "When do class lists come out?" "How many more days till school?" On and on they went. I had to laugh. I know how exciting the first day of school is, but heavens, it is still so far off.

I explained to the kids that because five of them would be in school this year we had to start shopping good and early. And that just because their bags were full didn't mean they got to break out the new crayons and paper to have a little art session. With school supplies out of the way (and a few things in a reserve box if they need more), we can focus on clothes. That gives me two paychecks before the start of school. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it!

Well, I am off. Think I'll take some time to read before I have to start supper. Better to clear my mind off all the shopping I've yet to do! Hope your summer is going by fabulously! My love to all!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

He Exists!

And the man finally returns to the tiny island from which he so long ago fled.

Yep, Al's home. Although I've yet the pleasure of seeing him for myself....but those at work have indeed informed me that he is home.

This is when my excitement turns to bitchiness and I wonder why the HELL the man is still at work 3 hours after landing when we have been waiting months upon months for his return. Yes, I am aware he must sign to the team....square things away. But seriously...waiting, waiting, waiting...yawn...waiting.

He'll be home soon, or at least he better be. I am tired and would really like to enjoy him a bit before I throw myself into dinner preparations and such.

Ah, at least he is home. No more waiting for planes, no more wondering. He is only at Torii. How long can he possibly be? A couple more hours? Not bad...I can wait.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Alright, this is going to sound completely odd....but I have recently become addicted to the Daily Dancer. Everyday the kids and I huddle around the computer to watch this strange little man dance to different songs in his dirty living room. I can't quite decide if I am amused or disgusted, but none the less, I keep going back.

And it isn't just me. Good grief this guy has a lot of followers. Here I am getting 3 or 4 comments a post. This guy is getting 40 or 50. Craziness!!!

I have to admit, he is brave. I don't know that I have seen a worse dancer since Elaine from Seinfield. Sad, sad, sad. None the less, he obviously enjoys dancing a great deal. It must be nice to be so completely committed to something, even in the absence of talent.

Check it out for yourself!

Good Times!!