Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Horror!!

So last night I decide (on a whim) to attempt to face my fear and go with my friend Ginger to see Amittyville Horror. I won't be making this blog entry very long cause I am freaked out....but just so you know, I watched it.

I kept my eyes open for most all of the movie. I was smart though, knowing that my photographic memory would be my downfall, I decided it best to hide behind my hand whenever spooky music began.

At one point I walked out to the lobby to call the kids. As I was walking back in, a scary scene flashed on the screen before me. I screamed, jumped high in the air, flipped around and grabbed some poor teenage girl who had the misfortune of walking behind me. I scared her enough that she jumped and then we kept our arms around eachother until I got back to my seat. I couldn't stop laughing.

I am sure Ginger now has nail marks permanently etched in her left thigh. Over and over I kept saying...."take your babies and get the HELL out of there!!!!!" This could've all been avoided if they would've just LEFT!!!

Okay, I did it and now it is over. Except for the memory of it all. The kids all slept in my room with me last night. Everyone was sprawled on mats on the floor while we watched comedy after comedy. Door locked. Lights on. I kept dozing off & waking myself up until after the clock showed 3:15. Pathetic.

Even now the kids are standing around me. As support? Or protection perhaps...I dunno.

Ending this....I can't write any longer. Time for another comedy! MUCH LOVE!!!

Monday, June 27, 2005


I miss home.

Now that the summer months have officially arrived it is getting harder and harder to not think about El Dorado and everyone there that I love. I find myself logging onto the El Dorado Times website daily. I read about births, deaths, and the big "goings on" that grace the front page.

Things like the new spray park that opened at Graham park. My kids would really dig that. The Fourth of July celebrations and all of the restrictions on fireworks within city limits. Now that makes me think of my uncles. I wonder if they will be obeying those laws now that they are older and "wiser".

I dream of family BBQ's. Watching my uncles and cousins play basketball at my Aunt Lisa's. Chatting with my mom in the kitchen over dinner preparations. Oh, and the occasional interruption by my dad yelling from the living room "TURN TO CHANNEL 8...THIS IS FUNNY!!!" Gut busting laughter shared with my Grandma over her homemade baked macaroni & cheese. Seeing the kids try to out-bear-hug their Papa. Quiet nights listening to locusts while drinking tea on the breeze way. Swimming at the pool (which is much preferred to the lake). Ice cream and fudge bars from Ronda's freezer. Watching my kids chase fireflies after dark. Ashton picking tomatoes off the vine from Ronda's garden. Bob teaching Kayl how to mow the lawn. Turning up the surround sound to watch NASCAR with my folks. The ice cream social, pageant, and community swim that mark the beginning of the weekend long festivities we call the Prairie Port Festival. When the entire town is a buzz with scavenger hunts, mud volleyball, craft fairs, classic car shows, block parties, traveling amusement parks, ball games, and fishing contests.

These are all the little things I hate missing out on. I know El Dorado isn't perfect and the vision in my mind is a bit blurred by my love for the place. But I still appreciate the little things. The things that you find are important after years and years away.

Realistically, I just miss my family. Truth is, no family is perfect, but our imperfections are what bind us together. Love, laughter, and common memories that you hold dear.

These people are mine, my home, and I miss them so desperately.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Say What?

I woke up this morning with the strangest image in my mind. done neatly, wearing an apron, cleaning house and smiling!

Okay people....this is NOT Leave it to Beaver and I am defiantly NOT June Cleaver. The house isn't even a mess (although I could stand to get a little more laundry finished). This is obviously my mind beginning preparations for Al's return. I am SO ready for him to get home, but these are indeed the lazy days of summer and I am currently living them to the fullest!

5:00 am: Micaiah rolls over, smacks me in the face, and wakes me from a semi-peaceful sleep. All of the sudden my mind kicks into high gear. ***Her daddy will be home soon, she'll have to stop crawling into bed with me.***Bed, bed, I need to wash their sheets. ***Just washed Braeden's sheets, I should start Hooked on Phonics with him. ***Reading, I should institute an hour of FAMILY read time every night. ***Ashton and Kayl need to work on math. ***School, I didn't pre-enroll the kids for next year. ***Who will watch the dog while we are in Kansas? ***Dog hair, need to vacuum. ***Need to mow. ***Need to scrub. ***Need to do laundry. ***Do this do that, SMILE SMILE SMILE!

All the while I picture myself in that little apron looking sweet and happy. Honestly, can you imagine? I mean, I dig a clean house, and I'm cool with all of us sitting around reading, but I am feeling a little too Donna Reed right now and that makes me VERY uneasy.

So...I think I will start slow. Here in a few I will toss some clothes in the wash. Maybe I will run out and mow assuming the grass is dry. I'll pick up the house and water the plants. Maybe I'll go ahead and set up the trampoline that has been sitting in my van all weekend. I could dust & do the dishes. I might even scrub the kitchen floor. But I refuse to indulge my early morning fantasy with a dress and heels.

KUDOS to June Cleaver and her pearls...but I am all about a ratty t-shirt and bandana.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Green Day

"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me...."

I seem to be going through a Green Day phase. Over the last few years it has occurred to me that I do music in spurts. When I find a CD that I enjoy, I listen the hell out of it. It will play on my I-POD, my computer, in my van, and in my sleep. I'll know the entire thing from start to finish before I move on.

All of my memories during a particular time in my life can usually be summed up by a band. January of 2002: Nickleback and Puddle of Mudd. Summer of 2002: Godsmack and Disturbed. I also did a lot of Staind during that time which seems to bring to mind my brother. May 2003: Fleetwood Mac. Early 2004 was spent in a frenzy of Limp Bizkit, 3 Doors Down, Linkin Park, and Hoobastank. Later that year I was stuck on Seether, Chevelle, Jane's Addiction and Big & Rich (nice array!). 2005 has thus far been U2, Crossfade, Cold and Fuel. More recently I have been obsessed with The Exies and now....Green Day.

The Green Day thing kind of happened on a fluke. And wouldn't you know it...I'm gonna give ya a little background for this one! GOOD TIMES!!

Every Sunday night my girlfriends and I head out to Starbucks for a few hours. We chill, drink coffee, talk, laugh and observe. It has become somewhat of a ritual since the menfolk have been deployed.

Anyway, last Sunday as I sat drinking my Mocha Frappachino with a shot of Caramel it suddenly hits me that this indeed will be the final Sunday for our "inner circle". By next Sunday Jenny would be in Virginia, Heather in Alaska, and Judy and Kim would both be knee deep in husband homecomings. As for me, I...will be alone.

Now, I too am very much looking forward to the return of my husband. However, I still have 3 Sundays before that blessed event. So there I sat, wondering what the heck I was supposed to do with myself until his return.

Aha! I could have the kids join me for coffee...except that I don't normally return home until late and the entire point of Sunday coffee is to get AWAY from the children. I could sit at home and read, but this again defeats the purpose of Sunday coffee and besides I have now become a frappachino WHORE!

While all these thoughts are racing through my mind the Starbucks employees are pulling the shades and locking the doors. Sunday coffee has again come to an end and I am feeling pretty much completely and utterly alone.

The girls and I make our way across the parking lot to my van where I proceed to connect my I-POD to the stereo. I press play and lo and behold Boulevard of Broken Dreams begins to play...

"I walk a lonely road, The only one that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes, But it's home to me and I walk alone. I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone. I walk alone, I walk alone. I walk alone, I walk a...My shadow's the only one that walks beside me. My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating. Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me. 'Til then I walk alone."

Just then, somewhere in the back of my mind, lightning struck and instantaneously it became my new theme song. I rolled down the windows and blasted it through the speakers as we drove down the highway. My only purpose was to burn this memory into my mind and the minds of these women who have made this last year of my life so very unforgettable.

No, I am not depressed, and no I don't honestly feel all alone. No worries, it's just my song for the moment. All joking aside, the song really does put me in a good mood. Every time I play it I end up cranking the volume and dancing around.

The truth is, I've nothing to be down about. My girls are leaving, but we will stay in contact. And yeah, Ronnie and AJAX are headed home, but that only makes me happy for Kim and Judy. They have been alone far too long. Besides, all is not lost. Rob leaves Friday so my girl Ginger will be free to join me in the Sunday coffee tradition.

But until then...."I walk alone I walk alone"

Friday, June 17, 2005

And 7...

Yep, Kayl has it too. However I am still holding out hope for myself! This is indeed the never ending "24 hour" flu bug. At least Kayl was prepared. As for me, I shall coninue to live in denial.

OH!! This just in!! I am sitting here on the phone with Kim, who is ILL!!! Oh God, please let it pass over me!

Okay, tired of Blogging about this! Hoping that the next blog is a bit happier and healthier. I'm out!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Round 5 & 6

Ah! I bet I have you thinking Ashton and Kayl are now ill, or perhaps it is I who has taken a turn for the worse. No, no. It was indeed Ashton who just woke me from my slumber....however the #6 in question would be none other than.....Melina.

Oh yes, I now have an extra sick girl on my hands. No worries, she is a sweetie. I am considering keeping her here, if she will stay the next 24 hours, simply not to infect Kim's household any further. We shall see.

Those poor girls. Currently one resides in each restroom.

I suppose it will be another long day of Pepto Bismol, Ginger-ale, Gatorade, saltines, Clorox wipes, and Lysol. Fun stuff!!

So my Grandma tells me there will indeed come a day when the sounds and smells of this last week will be greatly missed. Although I find that thought a bit stomach turning, somewhere in the recesses of my mind I know she is right. Partly because for the last 12 years I have been told there isn't a moment of motherhood that I won't miss one day. And partly (mostly) because I have always found my grandma's word to be true. Man, I love that woman!

Enter funny moment in this story.

Ashton and Melina both just stood before me, slightly bent due to the stomach cramps, and asked if the Pepto Bismol I gave them would help. Oh heavens. I giggled at the memories of my youth. Pepto reminds me of nothing more than vomit. The memory of regurgitating pink fluid almost immediately after swallowing is burned deep in my mind. You will not find one drop of liquid Pepto in this house. I can't stomach it. The smell, the taste. It is pure sickness to me. Thankfully someone decided it best to make chewable tabs. I honestly don't know if these help matters as I won't put them anywhere near my mouth, but one can always hope.

So no girls...they probably don't seem to help, but take them anyway, and may you have better luck than I.

I do think it best to end this now. It would serve me well to spend some time re-scrubbing the restrooms. One thing I know...nothing is worse than having to be sick in a restroom that isn't sparkling. It is the least I can do for "my girls". Perhaps one day they will remember their momma (or Auntie Randi) keeping the restroom clean during their time of need. With any luck they too will look back on these days with fond memories. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Good Times...2, 3, & 4

Oh yeah, here we go. Just shy of a week and it begins again.

Last night Braeden, Micaiah, and Tristyn stayed over at Kims (how unfortunate for her....and her carpets). Then this morning around 9:00, Kim called to let me know that the girls had been sick all night long. Oh....great.

I threw a bandana on my head and headed to Kim's (still in my pajamas mind you). I walked in and sure enough there sat my girls looking tired and putrid. Poor things. Before we could get out the door Braeden rushed to the restroom to begin his own battle against the sickness.

Three more. It has overtaken three more of my babies.

So home they came, to change into clean pajamas and crawl into bed.

Tristyn seems to have the worst tummy cramps of the three, but Micaiah is taking it the hardest. Crying each time she must stand, cat backed, over the toilet. Braeden even managed a bit of sleep, but not for long. They can't seem to keep the Pepto down, so I ran out to buy ginger-ale and saltines. Hopefully it will ease a bit of the uneasiness in their stomachs.

I do hope the sickness skips Ashton, Kayl and I. As a last stitch effort I have Clorox wipes stocked at every "port" and Lysol in hand. Oh PLEASE let this end soon.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Good Times!

WARNING!!! This blog is not for the weak of stomach!!!

Weeeelllll, that was fun! Nothin like having to clean up a bed full of vomit at 1:00 am! These are the moments. The little things that make you realize that you are a momma, and no one in their right mind would take this job.

**hold while I assist my baby with his dry heaves**

As I was saying...this isn't a job any sane person would ask for. But these are my babies, and if I am to enjoy the laughter and smiles I must also endure the late night sicknesses and bellyaches.

Poor Izzi. He doesn't do sick very well. I suppose none of us do, but the rest of my kids (even Micaiah) seem to make it to the restroom before they get sick. Unfortunately, sickness always seems to sneak up on Israel. He'll be sleeping soundly and the next thing you know...."RALPH". Poor guy. He just can't seem to gage when to wake and RUN!!!

I should be saying "poor Braeden". He is the one who mistakenly climbed into Israel's bed tonight so not to sleep alone. He is the one who was covered from head to toe in Israel's supper. He is the one who woke to a nightmare of epic proportions.

Blech!! The terrible horrible memories. I remember the time Al's brother Kevin "ralphed" on me from across the room. CURSE his wretched flu!! And the time Ash "ralphed" on Kayl after drinking strawberry milk on a cross country road trip. Not a good time having to clean two kids and a van at a truckstop in the middle of nowhere. These are not good memories folks. Nothing about these memories are enjoyable.

So Israel is sick to his stomach and Braeden has to endure the repercussions of Izzi's tummyache. And I am left to the task of dragging two exhausted and crying little boys to the bathroom to make them shower. Not a very fun middle of the night activity I must say. Not only were the boys crying, but try as I might I could not get that water the right temperature! "It's burning, it's burning...It's freezing, it's freezing!! ~sob, sob, sob~"

The neighbors must think us insane. 1:00 am, lights on throughout the house, the boys crying in the shower, me running back and forth from kitchen to bedroom to laundry room to bathroom and back again. And all the while I comfort the boys, strip the bed, bleach and flip the mattress, re-sheet the bed and start the laundry.

Finally the boys are washed, dried and pajama'd. They climb back into a fresh bed, cuddle under the covers and drift off to sleep. Thankfully, with the second round, Izzi woke in time to race for the bathroom. A little Pepto & he is off to bed again. It is a good thing I don't sleep at night. This would be absolutely miserable if I was tired too.

Amazingly I find that I can deal with this far better than I used to. There was a time that you would find me dry heaving if I was forced to clean up after a vomiting spell.

**and I'm off**

Poor Little Guy :(

Anyhow, so now I can manage a quick and thorough clean-up without being sick myself. It took me a long while to get here. It must be six kids worth of sickness that toughened my stomach lining!

Ah, the joys of motherhood. Only a mommy can hold you and love you while all sorts of disgusting fluids are leaking from the various orifices of your body.

Thanks to my momma, and hers and all those who have gone before. I love and admire you all!

**back to my mommy duties!**

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Dreams. Our imagination hard at work while we rest. How real they can seem, yes? It amazes me how a dream can determine my mood all morning. Last night my dreams were filled with old friends, loved ones, laughter and loss. All morning I have been sullen. An odd sadness overshadows this day, and although I have no reason to be down, I struggle to snap out of it.

This is where I beg to ask the question…do dreams so strongly affect others the way they do me? I vividly remember a time when I was young and I awoke in tears after dreaming my mother had died. If I dream someone has pissed me off, I awake ready to throw down (those times are a bit funny actually). Often I wake with a smile after dreaming of fun times with family and friends. However, just as often I wake with a deep sense of emptiness.

I dream of home, and all that I have missed. The family I have never met. The changes that occur without me. The life we left behind.

I dream of dear friends that have moved away. The people I shared pieces of my life with. The ones I won’t see for a long while. The ones I may never see again. People who touched my life and then moved on in search of a life of their own.

I dream of Alex. Simple things, like him playing with our kids or mowing the lawn. Sitting on the patio with Kim & Ronnie drinking a beer. Those dreams always seem to keep me down, because no matter how great my dreams of him are, I wake to the reality that he isn’t here and I am alone.

Ah. Deciding to make this one short. There are far too many thoughts in my mind and I am in no mood to make them funny.