Monday, July 24, 2006

Just for Fun

101 insignificant details about Me, Myself, and I.

1. I prefer my chocolate cake a day or two old & doused in milk.
2. I, quite subconsciously, rock myself to sleep.
3. I am almost constantly working through dialogue in my mind.
4. When I am not working through dialogue, I am singing.
5. I have only had 3 BFF's in my life.
6. I put ice in my milk.
7. I am loyal....almost to a fault.
8. I adore the smell of skunk (road-kill, not spray), gasoline, and sulfur.
9. I have an odd obsession with 1940's & 50's pin-ups.
10. I keep my bedroom as dark and as cold as humanly possible.
11. I haven't gone longer than 20 minutes without paint on my toenails in 7 years.
12. I still mourn the loss of my Jelly Baby, missing since our move from McPherson (age 6).
13. I call my closest friends by their LAST names.
14. I've always wished Kenny Rodgers was my grandpa.
15. I own 5 watches...I never wear them.
16. I hold middle names in very high regard.
17. All of my fish have been named either Sushi or Sashimi.
18. All 9 of my peircings were done during emotionally stressful times on my life.
19. Silence scares the heck out of me.
20. I still haven't watched the final episode of FRIENDS because I feel I missed too much of the last 2 seasons (Don't tell me what happened...I don't want to know).
21. I had a Best Man at my wedding.
22. I used to dip my french fries in Mayo.
23. I get emotionally attached to fictional characters.
24. I am claustrophobic.
25. I have no organizational skills what-so-ever.
26. I will only eat movie theater popcorn if I have nacho cheese sauce for dipping.
27. My hair is naturally blonde.
28. No one has seen my natural haircolor in at least 6 years.
29. I have...for most of my life...had the deepest desire to be a dentist.
30. I've seen every movie Johnny Depp has ever acted in.
31. I own more purses than I do shirts.
32. I own DVD's that I have never even opened.
33. I've destroyed 2 digital cameras at separate times, each by dropping then into a drink.
34. I once bleached my jewelry to clean it...only my wedding band made it out alive.
35. Two years later I lost my wedding band.
36. Closed toed shoes make me claustrophobic.
37. My favorite smells in the world are lilac, burning wood, Eternity for men, and an oil refinery.
38. I can remember the exact moment I became afraid of heights.
39. I can't watch a scarey movie without re-living it over & over in my mind for days on end.
40. I hand-write letters no less than 20 times before mailing them.
41. I broke my neck in the 8th grade. My doctors told my mother I wouldn't live.
42. When I broke my neck the only person I wanted by my side was my (future) husband. I was 13.
43. Although I've never been to jail, I get absurdly mouthy with cops. I'll likely go to jail for that one day.
44. I am a habitual procrastinator.
45. I fell in love with my husband the first time I saw him. It scared the CRIPE out of me.
46. I was 11 when I met my husband.
47. I once paid $100.00 for a candle holder (it's kick-ass).
48. I still have the Strawberry Shortcake sheets from when I was 3. I'll likely never part with them.
49. I detest pizza crust. I feed it to my dog.
50. All of my pets have Japanese names.
51. I, almost fanatically, must pre-approve all photos taken of me.
52. I stole the photo that the tattoo artist took of my backpiece after completing it...right out of his portfolio.
53. I sometimes question my own sanity.
54. I have 7 Thai Buddahs in my house...I am a Christian.
55. I only drink Starbucks coffee.
56. I lived in Seattle for 4 years & never once drank coffee.
57. One of my favorite past-times is snapping photos of complete & total strangers.
58. I am comforted by the sound of helicopters & artillery.
59. My eyes are far more beautiful when I've been crying (or so I've been told).
60. I once watched Forrest Gump every night for 2 months.
61. I'll stop whatever I am doing to love on my cat when she is in the mood.
62. I adore store bought chocolate milk from a carton.
63. On every road trip I absolutely MUST buy Chicken-in-a-Biscuit crackers.
64. I haven't had Chicken-in-a-Biscuit crackers in 4 years.
65. I make the best Orange Julius on the face of the planet.
66. I am obsessed with candles.
67. Watching Nascar excites me.
68. I think men are far sexier the older they get.
69. My first kiss was in the 1st grade-Ryan Smith.
70. I think sitting quietly under the stars is the most romantic thing EVER>
71. I am an insomniac.
72. 98% of all photos taken of me involve my tongue sticking out.
73. 98% of all photos taken of me with others involve THEIR tongues hanging out (I think this is contagious).
74. It is physically impossible for me to walk by a sticky picture booth without partaking in the fun that lies within.
75. I refuse to eat cereal until every bite has been drowned in milk.
76. When I was young I thought The Beast, from The X-Men, was incredibly HOTT!!!
77. I also had a thing for Papa Smurf.
78. I know the names & abbreviations of all 105 counties in Kansas.
79. I make lists for EVERYTHING and almost NEVER use them.
80. The smell of Nivea cream reminds me of Bangkok.
81. My toes are like ice-cubes at night.
82. My favorite way to warm then is by tucking them under my husbands thighs (he despises this).
83. I have a playlist 128 songs long on my I-POD of nothing but 80's music.
84. I am a history freak.
85. I was in labor with my firstborn for 55 hours.
86. I have more Christmas decorations than I have room to display them.
87. I own shoes that I have never worn...but I can't part with because they are so cute.
88. In the last 4 years I have re-decorated my bathroom 12 times.
89. The first thing I do every morning is call my friend Kim...often even before crawling out of bed.
90. Mornings hate me!
91. I keep my house like an icebox.
92. I love to wear scarves...even in the summer.
93. I am rarely seen without a pair of sunglasses atop my head.
94. I once owned a bird that committed suicide. His name was Kamikaze.
95. I have 6 kids...I always wanted 7 (yikes).
96. I spend an absurd amount of money on music & books.
97. I have a cabinet FULL of liquor. I almost NEVER drink at home.
98. I am addicted to Coco's curry & have been known to make midnight curry runs in my pajamas.
99. I have an inherent disorder that makes it virtually impossible for me to stay caught up on laundry.
100. I obsess over little things that no one else even notices.
101. Only one person on the face of the earth knew every single one of these things BEFORE this list was posted.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


...look what I just came accross.

My how time flies.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

In A Place....


How do I feel right now? Numb. I can't feel my fingers. Can't feel my feet. Maybe numb isn't the word. It's isn't that I can't feel, but that every nerve in my body is on edge. It wears me out.

I am cleaning...but only because it is fairly brainless. Things need to be done around I'm throwing everything away. listening to music & tossing everything. I pick things up...I toss them out. I have a little box that sits near me. A few things that are simply out of place go into the box. I'll put them away when I'm finished with everything else. Completely brainless.

It's just the day. Every foul mood passes. This one will as well. It could be worse. I could be hiding in my bed, under my covers, sleeping the day away.

I hate days like this.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ancient ruins of moi

I've been feeling terribly ancient as of late.

It most certainly doesn't help that all my friends went from mid-thirties to early 20's seemingly overnight. How did this happen?

I can now say with all assuredness that any bit of a hard time I used to give my older friends...has come back to haunt me seven-fold. (Apologies Kim & Kevin)

Just this week I was listening to AFRICA by TOTO and one friend in particular informed me that he hadn't the foggiest who TOTO was and that it was quite likely because he was still in the cradle at the time.

I want to vomit. *UGH*

I need new friends.