Tuesday, October 23, 2007


FYI...Just received a call from General Surgery.

My first appointment is 8 November.


Thursday, October 18, 2007


I HAVE HAD IT!!! I once again awoke to garbage strewn throughout my beautiful home...and everything smelling absolutely rancid!

Someone had left the door to the laundry room open this morning, which gave Sumo just enough time to scatter the remnants of yesterdays fridge cleaning from one end of my living room to the other. GRRRRR!!!!!!!

At any rate, it was the straw that broke the proverbial "camels back". I decided then and there that this would be the morning Sumo made his way to the POUND. I had indeed had enough.

So I jumped in the van, with Sumo at my side, and off he went. With a kiss and a wave I was rid of this daily pain in my arse. Of course I was sad. And yes...I missed him ever so slightly the very moment I drove away. But I reminded myself of the damage he had already caused to the yard...to the porch...to the door...to the chairs. I remembered all the times he has managed to seriously injure himself escaping from kennels...garages...bedrooms...vans...and planes because of his debilitating separation anxiety. Sumo needs a home where the occupants are rarely away. He needs constant attention and I simply cannot provide that. Sumo would be fine...just fine.

Now...this really should be the end of my story...but unfortunately it is not. Doest this surprise thee? *sigh*

After work I called my mother, my husband, Kim and Tofu. I shared with each of them my news. "It's definitely for the best" they all told me. They understand his destructiveness.

The kids were not so thrilled. 'A' yelled, ALOT. 'T' was upset...but told me she was going to pray about it. The boys all said they would miss him but understood (they are good about that). and 'M' told me she would keep the photos of her beloved dog. Good...they would cope. *whew* This was going well!

Too well.....

Dinner time. 'T' came to me visibly broken hearted and bawling. Someone else would adopt her dog, she told me. Someone who wasn't her. My heart ached. I am a wretched mother. How could I do this to my babies? How would I ever look them in the eyes again? I hate me.

"I need gas," I told the kids as I snatched my van keys, "I'll be back in a few."

The entire drive I struggled with myself. 'This really is for the best...Sumo is better off...WE are better off.' Maybe Sumo was long gone. Maybe I wouldn't even have the opportunity to get him back. No such luck...there he sat waiting, as if he knew I would return for him." I gave him a hug...put him in the van...and drove home.

The kids were thrilled to say the very least. We bathed Sumo (strike that...I bathed Sumo), towel dried and then blow dried him, brushed his fur and his teeth, and fed him his favorite doggy treats. After all of which I decided...if this dog was to stay with us some things would definitely have to change.

Off to the computer!!! I researched dog training & separation anxiety. Found reputable training facilities in Tacoma and filled out a detailed application for entry into a program that looked promising.

I feel ridiculous. Especially after the lengthy discussion with Tofu as to how I considered it frivolous to pay a small fortune to keep any animal. That I would never ever be one of "those people". Yet, here I am, prepping to pay upwards of $100.00 an hour to help this mutt with his psychological issues. I think I'm the one that needs mental help.

I'm an idiot...but I'm an idiot with a dog.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Mother of the Year...

...that's me!!!

This morning I awoke at 6am as usual. I readied the children for school and hurried them off to the bus with lunch money and kisses.

Afterward I showered, dressed, made coffee, fed the dog, and picked up the house. I sent a text to my husband while doing my make-up and ordered concert tickets for two weeks from now. Then after putting the dog on the chain I locked the front and back doors and headed off to work.

*sigh* Monday morning.

Work was fairly relaxed for a Monday. Not too busy, not too stressed. 10-2, an easy 4 hours. A good day!

2:00...time to clock out. But as I stand at the register I realize the kids had a half day AND I LOCKED THE DOORS!!!!!!!

Oh my! They've been home since 11:00 locked out of the house...in the rain. WHAT HAVE I DONE??

I rush home to my empty house, my empty yard. The kids were at the neighbors. However they hadn't been there the entire time. Apparently, they had sat on the front porch for the first hour. B. had to go 'number two' so badly he was in tears...and finally he went, in the back yard!!! Poor guy!

I apologized profusely...hugged each of my babies (not so much babies anymore), and took them to McDonald's. My attempt at an apology.

Oh...and I cleaned up the yard!

Friday, October 12, 2007

I carry briefcase...

OK, not literally...but my current purse is a small briefcase looking thing that is supposed to hold cigars. However, when I first laid eyes on it...I knew it was meant to hold my keys.

I have an insane collection of purses. Red, brown, green, white, and black. Cloth, knitted, leather, metal, wooden, and plastic. Small, large, ginormous, and minuscule. Cigar box purses, lunch box purses, Chinese take-out purses, and licence plate purses. Everything from $9.99 to $190.00

Al often jokes with his friends that I have a massive trunk filled with purses. Only it isn't a joke....it sits at the foot of my bed.

People ask me why I have so many. I think perhaps its the simple fact that no matter how much weight I gain...or lose...I never have to give them up. Even shoes have their limit, but purses...never. That and they are just so dang cute!!!

My next purse purchase? An album cover purse I fell in love with in Kansas. There is, on the other hand, the sexiest little Bettie Page Fender purse. Ohhhh the possibilities!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Scrub a Dub Dub

How much cleaning did I accomplish today? Not much apparently. I'm unmotivated.

On top of that...I loathe my dog. Am moments away from finding him a new home. He's a pain in the ass when Al is home...and it only multiplies when Al is away. Anyone want a Golden Retriever with separation anxiety?

I need a vacation. *teehee*

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

So long..so very very long.

Back in Washington State...and COLD!!

Without my BFFs to keep me busy I've little more to do than cater to the familia. Odd. I'm turning into a regular Donna Reed. Kids off to school by 8:30, house clean by 9:00, laundry finished by 10:30, and dinner on the table when the hubby walks through the door.

Who is this woman? And who encouraged her to take over my life?

Ah well...I wont complain. Mt. Washme is at bay & staying so. Lucky lucky me!