Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our New House

The Front!!!

From the Left

From the Right

The Backyard

The Back

Al and I....Excited! (really really excited) lol!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Someone ate the damn potatoes and I settled for the baby food (peach cobbler).

Ate half of a teeny jar and felt like I had just eaten a Thanksgiving desserts.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

9 Days Out....


I'm 9 days out from surgery. Down 15 lbs.

It's been an...interesting...week.

Surgery scared the heck out of me. I kept thinking "Great! I'm going to DIE over elective surgery." What a nightmare! But I didn't die. Albeit my supposed 1 hour in recovery stretched into near 5. *I knew I should've mentioned to the surgeon I REAAAALLY like the recovery room!*

Spent a couple nights in the hospital. Not fun. I can never sleep in a hospital. I sure as heck wasn't hungry while there. I was in too much PAIN!!!!

Came home Wednesday. OUCH!!!!! I slept most of the day....and stayed on LOTSA pain meds.

The weekend was full of team parties and emotional breakdowns. Without the pain there was plenty of room for the realization that i really really really like food. ((surprise surprise)) And i was ever so slightly sad that I can't have any right now.

So I sit. I think I'll go puree some potatoes and carrots from last nights roast. Maybe I'll even add some gravy. YUM! lol! Not the heathiest choice, I know. But right this second, I'm not feeling the baby food I have up in the cabinet. Go figure...

I'll keep you posted. and maybe...just'll be a little more exciting next time!

Monday, April 07, 2008

The Folks Are Gone

sad...i miss them. it was a wonderful week and i had tons of fun! after years of being away it was great to have the in-laws all to ourselves for a while!

they left today...and i miss them already. but not to will be here friday! a little more one on one time.