Thursday, February 02, 2006


So,my computer is still on the fritz. I have resorted to stealing away private moments on K's computer...pathetic.

I'm off to Bangkok once again and am THRILLED. My friend G has been mulling the trip over for a few months now so when she finally decided she was ready for some time away I was ecstatic. We fly mid-month for two weeks of R&R. No practices, no homework, no laundry, no cooking. Hehehehehe....insert evil laugh.

Other than that...I've not much to report. Well, that isn't exactly honest. I've a great deal of laugh out loud, gut-gripping, roll over in hysterics, true life funnies to share. However, I haven't the time to do them you'll just have to stay on the look out!

Until then...SMOOCHES!!