Monday, August 29, 2005

Brady Bunch Visits Ireland

You have a a bar!!

Well, Alex finally talked me into draggin the kids down to our local pub "Paddy Mac's" to introduce them to the infamous Martin. They had a blast. Daddy taught them how to play darts. Martin filled their tummies with soda, fish 'n chips, shepherds pie, and apple pie. And Yoko gave Ashton the grand tour as well as introducing the girls to the "bar cat".

After two cokes Israel announced that he thought he may be drunk. He also found an outlet to show off his God given talent...the tummy roll. We always new it would be a great bar trick.

Tristyn and Micaiah were doing cola races (much like carbombs for minors). Braeden, we found, has one hell of an arm for darts. And Ashton may very well have found her calling as she decided she was going to become Martin's apprentice and then move back to the states to open her own Irish Pub.

All in all it was a fabulous evening. The only downside...the kids have decided they will no longer be eating at Burger King. The future is full of Fish 'n Chips!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

In Memory Of...

Obediah James Kolath
I'm broken.....

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Say Cheese!

Bad camera phone photo of me and a couple of my girlfriends. That's Ginger there on the left and Heather on the right. Thankfully that night some poor sap felt sorry for us and offered to take our photo. Just prior to this shot we were all attempting to get a decent picture by holding our phones out at arms length. Shockingly, they just weren't coming out as we had hoped. Curious.

I'm slappin' this photo on here because I've nothing too terribly exciting to report. I also thought this the easiest way to answer the few requests I've had to send photos of my now black hair....well, there ya go. I have another photo of my hair that Ash took, but I haven't the guts to post it as it might be the most frightening thing I've seen since Amittyville! HAHAHA!!

Anyhoooo...Al is home, kids begin school next week, and life is good. Couldn't ask for more. Hope all is just as well for ya'll.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Classics

Sean Connery is H-O-T!!!

I was watching First Knight earlier today and for the life of me I couldn't take my eyes off the man. I mean seriously, he's something like 75 and still he may be one of the hottest men alive.

What is it about older men that is so attractive? Maybe they are a little more distinguished, a little more refined, or a little more wise. (or maybe it's that damn accent....gets ya every time!) Whatever it is, it's working.

Now here I am watching The Upside of Anger and I've got to tell you...Kevin Costner is a hottie too. He's funny & witty. He even looks good with a little gray. Man...Kevin Costner is fine! (wink)

Al HATES that I find older men attractive. He thinks it is disgusting. HAHAHA! I giggle at the thought! Hell, he should be thrilled about it. He's gonna be older one day too. In fact, he already is to some people! Even if he'd rather not admit it.

Now, don't go thinking that I've gone off the deep end. I'm not looking to hook up with some 100 year old, transparent skinned, gummy smiled, liver spotted, oxygen tanked, Depends wearin', wheelchair bound, great-great grand daddy. I mean must draw the line somewhere. But each his own.

Think I'll get back to Kevin Costner now. He'll just have to do until September 13th when Alex turns 30. That's when I'll really be livin' my dream...hahaha! Just messin'

p.s. Ashton just read this over my shoulder and is laughing hysterically. She asked if I think George W. is a hottie know what? I'm proud to say...I do.

Monday, August 15, 2005


I need to get off my rear-end and do something....anything.

I just CAN NOT get motivated! The house is clean, although I have plenty of laundry to keep me busy if I so choose. I need to go through closets and dressers, but they remain untouched. And my lawn desperately needs mowed, but the grass is left to grow another day. It's just one of those days. I've no gumption whatsoever.

I can't even finish typing a BLOG. I've begun three this morning, every one of which is sitting in my drafts folder. The creative spark even seems to elude me. All I've managed to do today is walk across the street (in my pj's) to give Ginger some wall anchors and make Kayl a dental appointment. Pathetic. My bed hasn't even been made. I'd like to tell you that I've been laying in it reading all day, but I would be lying. I've done nothing more than veg in front of the television. BLAH!!!

There's just nothing pressing enough to drag me out of my stupor. Not that it would matter, I would probably ignore anything that tried to light a fire under my a**. But as luck would have it I've no one to talk to...or see. No appointments, no lunch dates. Nothing. I told the kids we would go buy shoes later, but later is not now, so why hurry?

In fact it would probably be best to end this before dragging others into my pit of boredom.

Hope your day is more fruitful than mine!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Boots & Spurs

Okay, I am writing this PRIOR to Al's approval of my going out tomorrow night. This may come as a shock to some of you as I rarely ask Alex's approval for such mundane things, however I have decided to allow him the pleasure of "feeling" in charge. (Just messin' baby.)

Anyway, my girlfriend Ginger has been begging me for MONTHS to accompany her to Western World. Somehow I've always managed to blow her off...until now. Tomorrow night I will suck up my pride and walk into that cowboy bar to watch the "mechanical bull rodeo". ~OH-KAY~

Nah, the truth is, I've been there a couple times. It's alright. It reminds me of home....only I am on an island in the middle of the sea watching little Okinawans line dance. I always feel so completely out of place in there. Although I know all the songs. Yes, to those of you sitting with your mouths hanging open, I know who Kenny Chesney, Brad Paisley, and Lee Ann Womack are. In fact in may surprise you to know that given my druthers, in a karaoke contest I'd likely be singing a Trisha Yearwood song long before a Gwen Stefani one. Regardless, I hardly look like a belong in a country bar. Not that anyone cares. Last time I was there I watched an Okinawan lady dressed like 80's Madonna and wearing Reeboks do the Watermelon Crawl. Hehehe! Just having a little visual here. Funny stuff.

Tomorrow should make for an interesting evening. It will please my grandmother to know that I will be spending my evening drinking $3.00 bottles of WATER. That's one thing I can do to put my husband at ease while he is away. No Jack Daniels for! I do hope Ginger appreciates this. If I REALLY like it I might even buy some boots. Just call me Gretchen Wilson! Yeah...right. We'll see how it goes. I'm gonna take it slow.

HEY! Maybe if I'm lucky I can get one of my other pierced, tattooed, "Seether-listening" friends to join us. I think I'll go call Heather.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Old Photos

I just came across this photo of Al and I at our wedding. He had just shoved cake down my dress ~nice~. 11 years ago. ~memories flood my mind~ Wild.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I am going CRAZY!! (hold your comments, please) I can not stand this house any longer.

Currently a bookshelf stands empty in the center of my living room. Vases, photos, and various odds and ends litter my table top. The curtains and rug are being debated in my mind. And all the while my living area remains in a state of limbo. I have become completely blase' about my house. The color (or lack thereof), the furniture, and the basic lack of space threaten to push me over the edge of insanity.

I adore all the furniture I painstakingly sought out and purchased at the beginning of the year. Large, dark, and teak...the pieces are visually stunning as well as functional. However, the few items I've left from before now look drab and sadly out of place. The entertainment center seems to be the main source of my grief. It is too tall, too light, too bland. It matches nothing in the house and takes up more space than I am willing to give. I despise it.

A couple of months ago I found the entertainment center of my dreams. A beautifully crafted work of art that would hide my television (this is essential) and accent my home perfectly. And if that alone wasn't enough...there was a matching Step Tansu. What luck!! It was as if they had been designed soley for the purpose of residing in my home. Unfortunately, someone else obviously felt the same because when I returned to buy them, they were gone. Such a loss!!

Besides my "entertainment woes" I also need to solve my DVD storage dilemma. Before, they had been arranged alphabetically on a bookshelf. This was convenient and functional, however, unsightly. If you hadn't already guessed, I am a stickler about hiding things away. Anyhooo...I know that I want a tall, teak cabinet to stand in the corner of my living room. Something decorative & beautiful with plenty of space to hold our ever growing DVD collection. Now just to find it.

Poor Al. He is going to have a conniption fit when he reads this. I do hope someone is standing near by who knows CPR.

That fact is...I have become antsy here. Three years in this teensy house. I am going out of my mind. I've arranged and re-arranged a thousand times. I've simply used this place to the fullest of my creative ability. It is time for a new palette.

What I wouldn't give for a home painted in warm, inviting hues. I swear, sometimes I feel as though I may drown in a sea of off-white, lead-based flakes. ~Help me! Help me! cough-sputter-spit~ Honestly, whose bright idea was it to paint every inch of wall inside and out beige. I know...I get the whole "off-white for rental houses" thing, but PAH-LEEZ!!!

*hehehe* The thought just crossed my mind. When I was young I used to joke that my grandma would work and work to perfect the decor of a house. When she had finally gotten it just right...she would pick up and move only to start all over again. I must take after her.

An empty house stirs the imagination. I love walking into a new space and creating from it a comfortable, inviting home where family & friends alike can sit back, smile and relax. It offers so many possibilities. One of these days.

Until then, I guess I'll just continue to perfect this "little slice of heaven".

Monday, August 08, 2005

Bang Bang!

Look at my beautiful baby! Alex snapped this photo at Organizational Day last month. It was hot at Hades that day! Never-the-less we had a fabulous time. Can't believe summer is already winding down. It was a good one.

PC Woes

Oh! How I hate this thing!

My computer is driving me insane! The silly thing shuts off whenever it feels the need, and won't turn back on no matter how I plead and beg, pray and whine. Don't ask me what the problem is, I simply haven't the foggiest.

Al told me to take it in to be serviced. Fine. But first I had to get the silly thing to turn on long enough to make sure all my music was backed up. I don't know what they'll do when they clean this thing out. My luck...nothing. They'll just tell me that it is crap & I need a new one. GGGRRR!!!

Okay, on to bigger & better conversation. I'm near finished school shopping. This brings a great deal of joy to my heart. However in just the last two weeks Ashton has sprouted enough that her size 10's are now high-waters. I now have to return all her jeans (thank heaven she didn't wear them!!) and buy 12 slims.

School starts in 21 days!!

Alex left today. **boo hoo hoo** I am beside myself. Although it really is a bit of a laugh. He is going to be gone 2 weeks. TWO WEEKS!!!! No big deal at all.

No news on Kayl's tooth as of yet. We are hoping the brace will come off soon as the wire digs into his lip a bit. In the mean time he's had to keep wax on the end of the wire. He might as well be wearing braces. Good news...his tooth hasn't changed colors, so I am hopeful that it is indeed still alive.

Really & truly not much else has been happening here. Summer doddles along and we doddle with it. Nothing particularly exciting, nothing particularly new. Hope everyone is having as relaxing a summer as we.