Monday, May 09, 2005


Okay, four people have now asked me to go watch the re-make of the movie Amityville Horror. I have decided it necessary to Blog this little piece of my life so the ones I love so dearly will understand the FEAR THAT GRIPS MY VERY SOUL!!!!

When I was very little my family lived in a beautiful two story house that was ancient!! I don't ever recall being afraid of that house, of the dark, or anything much for that matter. I do remember the night all that changed. I must have been between the ages of three and five. I remember waking in the middle of the night. The house was dark and completely quiet. I don't recall if I made a habit of watching television in the middle of the night, but that night I did. I walked out of my room & down the winding staircase running my hand along the "fuzzy" wallpaper. I walked into the living room, switched on the t.v. and plopped down directly in front of it. (OOOOHHHHH, I have chills at the memory). I distinctly recall a man and a woman walking down a hallway, then the woman walked around a corner into a large room. She looked up at a gigantic brick wall and before my very eyes that wall began BREATHING!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! She screamed, I screamed. I smacked the off button as hard as I could, grabbed my babydoll and sprinted up those stairs as quickly as my little legs would carry me. I never knew the name of that movie and never bothered to find out.

About 6 or 7 years ago, Al and I were discussing my insane fear of scary movies when I decided to recount this memory for him. All the sudden his eyes got HUGE and he stared laughing uncontrollably. "Ran D," he said "that was a scene from Amityville Horror, that movie scared the hell out of me!!" After all these years, the movie that had scarred my very life had a name.

I have NEVER been capable of watching horror flicks. I tried Nightmare on Elmstreet in the 5th grade. Nope, I had my own nightmares for 3 weeks. Early in highschool I watched Candyman with Al. Oh heck no, I couldn't even look in a mirror without the someone in the room with me!! A few years back Al rented Ghostship. No problem, Al was home so I should be able to handle this, right? Nope. Again, nightmare after nightmare. Heck, even the bloody eye scene in One Hour Photo scared me. Then a couple of months ago K convinced me to watch The Grudge with her. Holy God, what was I thinking? I spent almost the entire movie cleaning my kitchen & humming to myself. Ridiculous!

K's advice? Sit through Amityville one time. Try to conquer your fear. You know what? I really don't care if her kids think I am silly for being afraid. It really doesn't bother me that I am raising 6 kids who are just as incapable of watching frightening movies as I am. It wouldn't faze me one bit if I missed out on every movie everyone ever wanted to take me to. I simply DO NOT enjoy being afraid. So, to all those I know & love that enjoy these movies, take a hint: STOP ASKING ME, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!! Love to you all forever! (wink) ~Ran D.
** For the record, I can barely read back over this Blog entry the memories still frighten me so. Pathetic!! **


... said...

My mom sat behind me when I was around 6 years old and scared me at the most frightening part of the Phantom of the Opera and I hated her for it. It made me cry and for a very long time I could not watch that movie without having nightmares.

As I got older the Exorcist (which I never completely watched until I was in college) was the source of my nightmares.

As a teenager, all my soccer pals would get together and watch all the horror flicks at the rental place but we were all together and that made it so much better. I like a good fright flick once in a while but I usually have to watch them during the day and definitely not alone. I feel your pain.

Ronda said...

Ditto, I do not like scary shows either, YUCK!