Monday, May 23, 2005


Taking a short break from cleaning my carpets. I woke this morning around 4:30 and the thought occurred to me: That carpet cleaner has been sitting in my van since Thursday and I have to return it today! So up I jumped and began preparing the house for a “quick” carpet scrub, that is, after I made phone call to Alex, spent some time reading and sending e-mail, and read another chapter in my book. I wouldn’t want to neglect that. A girl really must have her priorities in order! Anyway, after all that stuff I prepared the house for the carpet scrub.

My living area now smells like bleach. Yes people I said bleach. I’m not completely sure if the housing office would be thrilled with my choice to clean their carpets with bleach water, but I have found that it is the ONLY way to get these carpets even semi-clean. As long as I am careful not to get to close to the red rug in my living room all will be well. I use a regular cleaning solution on that rug, but the rest of my house…bleach, bleach, and more bleach.

I scrubbed the floors only three months ago, but they are once again filthy. We don’t even wear shoes in this house, yet somehow the dirt rises from deep beneath the carpets to haunt my every waking moment. Okay, maybe it isn’t that bad…but it is dirty none the less and something has to be done.

Bleach is my great equalizer! Dirt and Germs Beware, I will hunt you down and find you. There is no room for you here. Yeah right,…no matter how often I clean there always seems to be more to do. Right now, the bathrooms could use a good cleansing, as could my pantry. My refrigerator thankfully is sparkling considering I scrub it every two weeks before I buy groceries. Well, that and the fact that it seems to leak water from the freezer so I have to sop it up every couple of days.

Even the outside begs for my attention. Although I often choose NOT to listen to that voice. My back yard needs picked up. Ashton seems to have decided that Harold’s cage will stand in the yard forever as a memorial to her two-day pet. Along with a set of Tristyn’s many pairs of slippers, (flip-flops to you back home). I just glanced out my bedroom window at the eyesore we call a swing set. It is only two years old; however, metal and the salt-air of Okinawa do not seem to get along so well. Whatever, it is still safe and the kids use it, so up it stays! My beautiful patio furniture looks so sad in the midst of the wasteland my children have created.

The front yard looks good, shockingly enough. It could use a mow and trim, but I have issues, so until I find a lawn guy…. I bought Braeden and Micaiah watering cans a couple months back and just as I had hoped they have taken to caring for the outdoor plants. Finally, someone who can grow things outside. I am strictly an indoor green-thumbist (now I am making up words). Oh, and lest I forget, there is much laundry to be done…much, much laundry. BLAH! My nemesis.

Back to the floors…..

Woo, another two rooms down. My fish are probably praying that death will come quickly. And poor Sumo, I won’t even let him walk around. He is stuck in the kitchen. My eyes are burning, perhaps I should open another window….ya think?! It smells like a swimming pool in here. A pool that has been overchemicalized (again, another made up word from the recesses of my mind. ha ha ha). Now if I can just get through the girls room, my room, and the disgusting entry floor, all will be SWEEEEET! I think I might be delirious. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Good Times!!

And cleaning resumes…..

AH!!! FINISHED! My eyes are about to float out of my head, and all my nose hairs are all burned out, but my carpets are clean clean clean….at least for a bit.


... said...

You know it is funny, as much as new cleaning products come out on the market, I still find it easiest sometimes to clean with bleach, ammonia, vinegar, and baking soda (not all together mind you, but for different jobs). They just work great and then I don't have a cabinet filled with stuff that doesn't do half the job.

Zeppellina said...


Don`t suppose you could come round to my place when you`re finished?!!

I have a hoover!