Monday, October 06, 2008

Ahhhh sweet sweet life.....

there is nothing going on at the moment.
kids are just getting home from school and settling in to thier homework.
boys have football tonight...
ash has swim.
i am already pajama'd because when i started a load of laundry i decided to wash my clothes right then & there.

life is dull....
and busy....
and i enjoy it!!!

i miss you all viciously.
miss hearing from you even more.
you should ring me....
or put the peverbial pen to paper.
shockingly, i always write back when written to.
im amazing like that!


... said...

I miss you too...and you don't want to start being a penpal with might never get to stop...haha.

Anonymous said...

Yippee!!! You are back. I miss you when you are busy or whatever. Just an old woman sitting by her pc waiting for her oldest granddaughter to blog, woe is me. Been too damn busy packing to sit by anything for any length of time, just about got it done, good thing as the sale is on the 11th, scream out loud. grma