Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Horror!!

So last night I decide (on a whim) to attempt to face my fear and go with my friend Ginger to see Amittyville Horror. I won't be making this blog entry very long cause I am freaked out....but just so you know, I watched it.

I kept my eyes open for most all of the movie. I was smart though, knowing that my photographic memory would be my downfall, I decided it best to hide behind my hand whenever spooky music began.

At one point I walked out to the lobby to call the kids. As I was walking back in, a scary scene flashed on the screen before me. I screamed, jumped high in the air, flipped around and grabbed some poor teenage girl who had the misfortune of walking behind me. I scared her enough that she jumped and then we kept our arms around eachother until I got back to my seat. I couldn't stop laughing.

I am sure Ginger now has nail marks permanently etched in her left thigh. Over and over I kept saying...."take your babies and get the HELL out of there!!!!!" This could've all been avoided if they would've just LEFT!!!

Okay, I did it and now it is over. Except for the memory of it all. The kids all slept in my room with me last night. Everyone was sprawled on mats on the floor while we watched comedy after comedy. Door locked. Lights on. I kept dozing off & waking myself up until after the clock showed 3:15. Pathetic.

Even now the kids are standing around me. As support? Or protection perhaps...I dunno.

Ending this....I can't write any longer. Time for another comedy! MUCH LOVE!!!


Anonymous said...

Ah sweet grandchild, I see nothing strange in your reaction to this movie, after all we all know that they (the monsters) can leap off the screen and get us. I for one will not watch anything like that. I did learn tho that if you watch a "bad" movie while looking backward thru a mirror it isn't real. But my favorite tv shows are about forensics, murder and anything concerned with that- as are my books- real crime, that's me.

Anonymous said...

It looks like, according to Grma, you come from a long line of easily scared... (I am not one of them, though I do confess I prefer a so so comedy to a chain saw massacre any day). I remember very clearly watching the Phantom of the Opera with Grandma K (black and white version) and her totally freaking out when all the rats came out of somewhere.

As for me, Silence of the Lambs, in the basement... now that's scary.

I'm into the scary books though!!

... said...

I can not believe you went to a horror movie at the theatre...I like horror movies but I don't like to watch them at the theatre, especially if I am not in the back row (has to do with my mother frightening me at the worst part in the movies from behind when I was a kid).

You are so brave, considering how much I know you hate those things..hope the comedy worked...

Chicken said...

I love horror movies and wished that others felt the same way. Most of my friends feel like you do. I kind of wish that I got scared like that, it would make them more fun for me. I remember my Mom scaring was mean.

Ronda said...
