I am going CRAZY!! (hold your comments, please) I can not stand this house any longer.
Currently a bookshelf stands empty in the center of my living room. Vases, photos, and various odds and ends litter my table top. The curtains and rug are being debated in my mind. And all the while my living area remains in a state of limbo. I have become completely blase' about my house. The color (or lack thereof), the furniture, and the basic lack of space threaten to push me over the edge of insanity.
I adore all the furniture I painstakingly sought out and purchased at the beginning of the year. Large, dark, and teak...the pieces are visually stunning as well as functional. However, the few items I've left from before now look drab and sadly out of place. The entertainment center seems to be the main source of my grief. It is too tall, too light, too bland. It matches nothing in the house and takes up more space than I am willing to give. I despise it.
A couple of months ago I found the entertainment center of my dreams. A beautifully crafted work of art that would hide my television (this is essential) and accent my home perfectly. And if that alone wasn't enough...there was a matching Step Tansu. What luck!! It was as if they had been designed soley for the purpose of residing in my home. Unfortunately, someone else obviously felt the same because when I returned to buy them, they were gone. Such a loss!!
Besides my "entertainment woes" I also need to solve my DVD storage dilemma. Before, they had been arranged alphabetically on a bookshelf. This was convenient and functional, however, unsightly. If you hadn't already guessed, I am a stickler about hiding things away. Anyhooo...I know that I want a tall, teak cabinet to stand in the corner of my living room. Something decorative & beautiful with plenty of space to hold our ever growing DVD collection. Now just to find it.
Poor Al. He is going to have a conniption fit when he reads this. I do hope someone is standing near by who knows CPR.
That fact is...I have become antsy here. Three years in this teensy house. I am going out of my mind. I've arranged and re-arranged a thousand times. I've simply used this place to the fullest of my creative ability. It is time for a new palette.
What I wouldn't give for a home painted in warm, inviting hues. I swear, sometimes I feel as though I may drown in a sea of off-white, lead-based flakes. ~
Help me! Help me! cough-sputter-spit~ Honestly, whose bright idea was it to paint every inch of wall inside and out beige. I know...I get the whole "off-white for rental houses" thing, but PAH-LEEZ!!!
*hehehe* The thought just crossed my mind. When I was young I used to joke that my grandma would work and work to perfect the decor of a house. When she had finally gotten it just right...she would pick up and move only to start all over again. I must take after her.
An empty house stirs the imagination. I love walking into a new space and creating from it a comfortable, inviting home where family & friends alike can sit back, smile and relax. It offers so many possibilities.
One of these days.Until then, I guess I'll just continue to perfect this "little slice of heaven".