Sunday, December 25, 2005

Back to Reality

Well, Christmas is officially over which means I now have to find a place for all this stuff the kids have accumulated. Normally I would have had them clean their rooms prior to Christmas day, and the truth is....I did, only the rooms didn't exactly stay that way. Besides the fact that I haven't gotten in there to do a good thorough cleaning in a couple of months which means.....YUK!!!!

So, here I am...the day after Christmas, scrubbing my kids' bedrooms. This is no small task let me assure you. I haven't the foggiest idea how the hell my kids can manage to be such slobs. For heaven sake...they came from MY gene pool! Those rooms truly disgust me sometimes.

I just finished Bobby and Cindy's room. THREE trash bags of assorted cut up paper, old crayons, ripped books (sorry Grandma), broken toys and who knows what. I probably filled up the canister of my vacuume in that room alone. N-A-S-T-Y!!! Whatever...beds are made and fabreezed, a window is cracked to let in a bit of fresh air, everything is dusted and the glass is gleaming.

Now I get to move on to the boys room. NOT such a terrible feat. Amazingly Greg and Peter are very clean. Fifteen minutes in there and I will be finished. After that unfortunately, I must tackle Marsha and Jan's room. This I dread. Those girls have one of the worst rooms I've ever seen. Literally within hours of cleaning, it somehow they destroy it once again. Not only do I have to scrub that room (with face mask and rubber gloves), but when I'm finished I will have a whole new Mt. Washme on my hands. As if I don't have enough laundry already.

So I suppose the next couple of days will be devoted to the laundry room. Heck if I have enough I may have to make my piles on the living room floor (nothing quite motivates one to finish the wash like piles invading their living space). Yep...these are good times!

Oh and by the way, if you were thinking of dropping in for a little visit this week, don't bother. I refuse to entertain until the end of this hellish nightmare! Toodles!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

A Holt Family Christmas

Holiday Kids

Christmas Morning

It is 6:30am and the kids have had me up for an hour and a half. I am brewing coffee at the present with the hope that it will help to hold open my eyelids and perhaps even bring me to life a bit.

When I attempted to wake Al this morning he asked for just one more hour of shut eye. This I gave him (so to brew that coffee), however in the back of my mind I thought of my wonderful in-laws and how now, with no small children in the house, they don't make a big event of decorating trees, hanging lights, and rising at 5am to see what "Santa" left during the night.

Already Marsha is celebrating her 13th Christmas. The years truly are flying by. There will indeed come a day when I won't awake on Christmas morn to the sounds of laughter, excitement, and remote control cars racing up and down the hallway. And as much as it pains me to say...there will likely come a day when Christmases may be spent without us all being in the same house (or country even).

So here I sit....6:30am....Christmas morning....waiting for this coffee to finish brewing so I can pull my husband from the comfort of our bed and join our kiddos in the living room. And as they tear into the gifts under our tree, laughing, squealing, and playing, I will remember that these days are numbered. I've no doubt that Al and I will enjoy every sleepy-eyed second of this.


Happy Bithday Woman! Much Love!

Kyle and Maliea

Congratulations! You both know that there is no where I would rather be right now than watching the two of you begin your life together. Know that Alex, the kids and I all send our congratulations and best wishes. We'll be there soon enough to do our celebrating in person, until then...Blessings and Love! ~Randi

Monday, December 12, 2005

Addition to the Family

Don't get ahead of yourself here, I'm not having another baby. THANK GOD!!!!! Don't get me wrong...I have six of the most fantastic kids you will ever meet, but I'm not looking to have anymore! No, no, no...our little family addition is a puppy. Yes, it's official, I am certifiably insane.

The puppy came to us by way of a neighbor who decided she really didn't want a dog. Thus my children pleaded and begged and I (being the sucker that I am) gave in. He came with the name "Jake", but I would have none of that. We don't give animals people names in this house. We needed something a bit more Japanese to mesh with the rest of our household pets. Our Golden Retriever, Sumo. Our Betas (Japanese fighting fish), Sushi and Sashimi. And the infamous Parakeet, Kamikaze.

I'd like to make a side note here. Our dogs have names that are only and will only be theirs, however ALL of our Betas are named Sushi and Sashimi, and every Parakeet-Kamikaze.

Anyway, we needed a name. The kids and I came up with a few to try out. Nibana (meaning second)-nope. Yoshi (Marsha flipped out) "We can't name him after a character in Mario Bros." And finally, Cindy's name request-Samurai Jak (Sammy for short).

So Sumo and Samurai. Poor Sumo. The old man is chillin', sittin' back, relaxin'. enjoyin' the peace and quiet, when out of no where this young kid jumps in and turns his world upside down. Such is life! Just wait until we get back to the states...momma has every intention of getting herself a kitty to name Geisha. Sumo may very well turn himself into "Kamikaze", Hehehe!

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Here are a few photos from Greg's first game (Friday night). Threw one in of me and my baby girl (she isn't much of a baby anymore...sob).

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Eagles and Falcons

I'd just like to take this opportunity to say "Happy Birthday Grandma!!!" (Dec. 7th) I've posted a virtual smorgasbord of photos for your veiwing pleasure. Just because you asked! Love you tons. Hope your birthday was a spectacular one! ~Ran D.

Here are photos from Peter's and Jan's games last night (Thursday).


Ah football season. I know it has long since passed for most of you....but here in Okinawa we are just getting started. And what perfect timing! The weather is just now dipping low enough to toss on a warm sweater. In fact, I've had to break out my long wool trench coat just to sit through practices! GOOD TIMES!! Anyway, enough of are pictures from Bobby's first game (Wednesday night). I don't think they won, but who really keeps track in flag football? And my apologies for the terrible photo quality. Wouldn't you know it? My batteries died after the first few minutes, so these are camera phone photos. No worries, it won't happen again!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Taiko Girl

Here are a few photos from Marsha's Taiko performance last Saturday.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Rain On My Parade

Friday night was the Tinsel Town Parade. All the kids except for Cindy walked. It would had been terribly fun had it not started to rain just as it began. The photos aren't great by any means, but they are photos none the less. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Happy Birthday my friend...

Monday, November 28, 2005


The last weekend has been nothing if not eventful, but I've decided to break it up between posts as there is just far too much to fit into one blog. So Let's begin with Thanksgiving.

We headed over to J.G. and A.J.'s for the afternoon. There were only four families, but we added up to 23. We had SOOOOOOO MUCH FOOD. It was crazy. A.J. harnessed the kids and let them try out his climbing wall. (No I didn't take any photos, but K.L. soon people). We all ate way too much and then each fell into our own respective food comas.

After we all regained consciousness we did a quick clean up and then A.J. broke out the cards and poker chips. He had to explain the rules of Texas Hold 'Em a good three times before J.J., T.J., and I felt comfortable enough to try a hand (K.L. had no problem as she is an avid Celebrity Poker watcher and if R.L. needed lessons he never did elude to that fact).

So the games began. We had was a blast, played twice, J.G. won the first game, R.L. the second. Believe it or not I held on for a good while during both games. (I'm so proud). After that we loaded up and left.

It was late, we were tired, and I wanted nothing more than to unload the leftovers, put everything away, crawl into bed, and crash.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Veggie Burger Please!

I think I may have the youngest member of PETA living in my home.

As we speak I am browning hamburger for Taco Salad. Since Cindy and Bobby are the only two home at the moment I was letting them hand me the vegetables to cut up. Somewhere in between the lettuce and tomato Bobby looked into the skillet on the stove and asked what "that" was. I told him it was hamburger...I said "It's a cow." WHAT!! The boy went ballistic. "Why are we eating a cow?" "Who killed that cow?" "Farmer's are supposed to take care of the cows, not kill them!" And my personal favorite..."Cows stink, but people shouldn't kill them!" Oh the mind of a five year old.

I tried to explain to Bobby that cows make up the hamburgers he eats at Burger King. That I put it in our Spaghetti, "Cowboy Stuff" and Chili. I told him that steak was cow, hotdogs were pigs and all that chicken we eat REALLY is chicken. I honestly thought I would win him over on the Burger King thing. Nope...the child has sworn off all meat (including his precious hotdogs).

So now I suppose I will be dishing out a bowl of taco salad minus the taco. And the veggie burger patties that I bought for Jaz when she eats over here, will now be put to good use on Bobby.

Hmmmmm. Jaz would be proud. And farmer's everywhere shed a tear for another child lost.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Your Band is Named What???

If I've been waiting for something terribly interesting to come along worth blogging about...last night it probably happened.

My friend M.C. is BIG BIG BIG on karaoke. Me? Not S'Much! Now, anyone who has heard me sing may very well think me a liar right about now, but the truth is every time I walk into a karaoke bar and open my mouth one of three things happens. One, the people I'm rollin' with decide not to sing in front of me, two...20 people in the bar ask if I will sing a duet with them, or three...everyone leaves. This does not make for an interesting evening. Thankfully I have indeed come across a precious few that are willing just to have a good time and sing regardless of talent (this can be a bad thing if you're not careful!)

Anyhow, last night M.C. and I are chillin' in the back of the room...minding our own business (which really means cringing at the screeches coming from the speakers) when Bring Me to Life by EVANESCENCE Feat. PAUL MCCOY cues up. Obviously the guy singing the Paul McCoy portion of this song didn't plan ahead because there was absolutely NO ONE prepared to pull off Amy Lee. Oddly enough, this guy points across the room at me and asks if I can sing at all..."Skoshi" (a little) I said. "Cool, whatever...just come sing this please!" No worries...I got this. So I grab the mic and start singing at which point this guys mouth drops open and a hush falls over the room. I must admit this is ALWAYS my favorite part. It makes me giggle a little.

So we sing and the song comes to an end. The "Paul McCoy" guy bows to me (which I find a bit odd), then I quietly walk back to my little hole in the wall. Now this is where things get interesting...The next thing I know there is this HUGE guy towering over me. He is dressed completely in black, has a scraggly goatee, black fingernails, and piercings EVERYWHERE! I have to admit I was a little freaked out at first (and I am rarely freaked out). He introduces himself as Thomas and quickly apologizes for approaching me like that. Then he proceeds to tell me that he's the lead singer of a band called Slit Throat (eeeewwwww!!!) and hands me a card with his name and website on it. He tells me I have an amazing voice and that they've been looking for someone to sing melody in their band, and I am exactly what they've been searching for. OOOOOOOO-KAY.

I guess they are playing at 7th Heaven in a few weeks and he wants me to drop in and hear them. I'm flattered, a little weirded out, but flattered. I suppose I'll drop by and give a listen. Who knows. It might be fun just to sing along for a bit. Hehehe, giggling at the thought.

If nothing else it's made for a slightly amusing blog. This should make my grandmother very happy as she now doesn't have to PLEAD and BEG for me to write something....anything. Good Times!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Sad and Pathetic

I know I haven't posted in a while (thanks to all of you who harass me about that daily!) but I really just haven't felt creative enough lately to bother writing. No worries, I am writing now. And if you're lucky this will light the creative fire under my rear!!

My big worry today? It is the middle of November, and usually I am FINISHED with my holiday shopping by now, but as of this moment I've only purchased ONE GIFT! AAAAHHHHH!!!! With all my heart I hope Al has been shopping in the states. If all else fails on Christmas morning I will be telling the kids that "this year we wanted to focus on the MEANING of Christmas". Which we all know will be the load of bull explaining the no gifts under the tree! HA HA! So I guess this weekend I need to get a little shopping done...Ya think?!

Along with my hurry to purchase gifts I also need to get to the commissary. My luck, all the turkey and ham will be long gone by the time I get there. Last night Jan asked if I could make mashed potatoes for her class party on Tuesday. Tuesday? Surly she didn't mean THIS Tuesday. Why on earth would her class be having their Thanksgiving party so danged early this year? OH MY GAWD!!!! Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK! It always seems to sneak up on you, doesn't it? One minute you think you have all the time in the world to accomplish something, and the next the time is not only upon you, but shoving itself down your throat (lovely picture!)

So yeah, I've lost the list from the "inner circles" planning meeting as to what I am bringing to Thanksgiving dinner this year. I suppose I will need to call J.G. for that today. And then I'll have to give K.L. a ring and we can do the commissary run together (because I know full well that the woman hasn't gotten any more shopping done than I). I am going on great faith that they still have green beans and rolls.

The new tradition as of this year? Pumpkin Curry. Yep, it sounds disgusting, but I swear to you is absolutely fabulous. I can make some KILLER pumpkin curry. Unfortunately J.J., J.G., and K.L. agree, so now I am on curry duty as well. HEY, maybe I can come up with an egg nog curry recipe before Christmas! Hmmmm....not s' much!

I simply can not believe that the holidays are upon us. By this time next week Christmas music will fill our house and the kids and I will sit surrounded by the 7 boxes of holiday decorations (yes people, I said 7...I know I have a problem). I love love love Christmas. Laughing about old Christmas memories, having the kids hang the ornaments from Christmases past and having them each open their ornaments for this year (which I still need to purchase). I just usually am a bit more prepared for this time of year.

Maybe it is just because we have been so busy. Not bad "can't make a meal, clean the house, or BLOG" kinda busy. Just....busy. We have practices Monday through Thursday, but none overlap to the point that I am trying to juggle. In the evenings the kids and I are at that table eating together. And we still have plenty of time to do homework, chores, and showers with some down time. We aren't rushed, just healthily busy. (Again, falling back on the "not creative as of late" excuse for the BLOG!)

So with any luck this weekend will be a fruitful one. I'll finish (or rather begin) my Christmas shopping, seal and mail those Christmas cards, run to the commissary, blog a little, and maybe even mow the lawn!

Monday I'll fill ya in on how it all went! EEEEEK!!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

My Spat

Well, well, well. THAT was a lot of fun. Nothing like a little online spat to scare folks away. I'm sure it was terribly shocking for everyone out there to find that I can indeed be a bi@#ch from time to time. No halo is still intact (she said while batting her eyelashes).

Nothing much is happening here on my little rock in the East China Sea. I spend my days with K.L. while R.L. is at work (it's the only time we have), and I spend my nights reading, writing, and listening to my I-POD...woo hoo! (sounds exciting....yes?)

The kids are well. We're still waiting to hear if the younger boys have football coaches yet...and Jan is waiting to hear from her cheer squad as well (OH the drama). This month is pretty much a bust as far as school goes. They only have class 2 days this week...and with Thanksgiving, I really don't think they've much to accomplish. Ridiculous.

I'm basiclly just preppin' for the holidays, chillin' with my girlfriends, and trying (once again) to quell the accumulation that is Mt. Washme.

Life is good, all is well, and the world continues to turn!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

My Apology

I have an amazing husband.

He is gentle and caring, loving and kind. He never purposely says anything to hurt me. He loves our children. He is helpful, supportive, and strong. He has always been open and willing to share his thoughts with me. And he has never treated me as anything less than a queen. (I hardly deserve that honor).

So why do I blow up when the man compares me to Carmen Electra, Mariah Carey, and Shakira? Because I DO NOT see myself in them. I see three stunning women who are about as far from me as the moon.

However, after a "lovely" argument at 4:30 "his" morning, and later a far more level headed conversation with my friend Ginger, I realize that yeah, maybe it's possible that Al looks at these beautiful and talented women and sees me in them. Why? because...he thinks I am beautiful and talented.

Funny how we just can't imagine people would view us in that light. I love you Al...and I'm sorry.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I'm being chewed for not writing, but I've nothing to write. Or rather don't feel like taking the time to write. So I've decided to meet you half way. Here is a photo of Greg at last nights practice. He was so cute I had to snap this shot with my phone (my camera is still in M.C.'s car from last weekend). So there you boy. Have a good one!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Happy Halloween?

I just dropped Marsha and Greg off at the Youth Center Halloween dance. It is there that they were to meet up with a group of friends and party until 10:00. Being that this is a Halloween party, the kids were to dress up (if they so chose). Of course, there was no way they were going to pass up that opportunity, so dress up they did.

Unfortunately Greg's costume this year is big, heavy, and we had decided that just for tonight he would dress up as something other than "Mr. Hyde". And what costume did we finally decide on? Marsha. Yep...Greg went to the dance as Marsha. He was a little leery at first, but I convinced him it would be hilarious (as it was). The REAL Marsha lent him her clothes, belt, bracelet, shoes, nail polish and the famous necklace that she hasn't removed in 5 years. We flopped a blonde wig on his head and viola...instant Marsha.

Marsha dressed up as a "goth girl". She looked cute. Too cute. In fact if her daddy were here he would've made her change into a football uniform I'm sure. Ah well. There are very few perks to daddy being away...I suppose this would be considered one.

The kids both looked great. I'm sure they will have a fantastic time.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


I A-D-O-R-E Robin Williams. I just needed to say that.

Midnight Curry Run

Decided at midnight that curry sounded absolutely divine. So Cindy and I left the rest of the kiddoes asleep in their beds and made the run to CoCo's (ah, the perks of not having to wake for school)!

There she is in her p.j.'s and slippers grinding on some tasty sausage curry. During the drive home she told me the curry made her sleepy (not so sleepy, however, that she couldn't scream the lyrics of Don't Fear the Reaper out her open window). Now she is crashed out in mama's bed.

CoCo's, our tummies are eternally thankful!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wonder of Wonders

So this afternoon Greg had his initial football weigh in. At age eleven the boy is tipping the scale at a whopping 67 lbs. Considering the boys in his league can weigh up to 120, I'm thanking God that my child can run fast!!

Anyway, after recording his weight they sent us back to a room with huge towering shelves teaming with helmets. Greg was to try a few on, find a good fit, and sign for it. No problem, G.M. boys were there, so I wouldn't have to figure out what a "good fit" should be.

Seconds after stepping foot into this room I glanced up and saw the most beautiful helmet imaginable staring down at me. It was as if God himself placed the helmet there and shone a bright light on it at that exact moment. I had to catch my breath...I touched Greg's shoulder and pointed to the third shelf from the top. "I don't care if the thing fits...we have to have it!" He ran and snatched the helmet up, shoved it on his head and wonder of all wonders...IT FIT!!!

It's a little scratched up and a little old, but that's alright. The other boys left with shiny white helmets, but not mine. My son proudly walked out of that warehouse wearing the biggest and brightest smile you can imagine and carrying the only helmet with a logo stenciled across the side......

The Kansas City Chiefs Arrowhead.

And the Heavens were opened, and a bright light shone down on the earth, and the angels sang: "Hallelujah....GO CHIEFS!!"

ooooooh-oh-oh-oooooooh (doing the "tomahawk chop" as I end this.)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

My Celebrity Hotties

I've decided it necessary to add my two cents to the wonderful world of bloggers and post my own list of celebrity hotties. Granted this list will be cut drastically short due to my desire to fill my life with other things besides this computer (go figure). Regardless, these hotties are sure to tide you over and perhaps even give you a little insight into the freakish desires that lie within.

Believe it or not, I'm walkin' on air. I never thought I could feel so free-hee-hee. Flyin' away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not, it's just me.

Ah yes, The Great American Hero. Sure my love affair with the man only lasted from age three to six, but oh how the memories linger. That blonde curly hair. Those red tights. What toddler couldn't resist?

Animal. My very first "rock star" crush. He was absolutely WILD!!! I mean, honestly, they had to chain him down. How H-O-T!! And just check out that eyebrow. Those teeth. And all that hair!

When it came to the Corey's, you were either a Feldman or a Haim fan. This likely said much about your personality considering Haim portrayed such a sweetie and Feldman...well...did not.

I was, as I'm sure you can imagine, a Feldman fanatic.

Stand By Me still ranks as one of my top favorite movies of all time. I also am a huge fan of The Goonies. And although I can't say they are still among my favorite films, there was a time around the age of eleven when I would rent License to Drive and Dream a Little Dream almost every weekend. Ah yes, those were the days.

While I must admit Hugh Jackman was the hottest Wolverine EVER (Yeah Hugh, you should be on this bonafide hottie you), the truth is, my heart will always belong to The Beast.

He's big and strong, a little hairy, and oh so intelligent. (You can tell because he wears those glasses, or is that because he's old?) No matter. He is still a major hottie.

Sir Sean Connery. Ahhhhhhhh. Like a fine wine, the man only gets better with age. I find him far more alluring now that he is a bit older than I ever could have as - Bond, James Bond.

Gary Oldman as Bram Stoker's Dracula. Oh Yeeeah! It might be the pure sensuality the man exudes, or perhaps it's just those amazing teeth. Either way, he makes me melt.

Hugh Grant. I really don't give a rats rear what the man was caught doing whenever and wherever. He's a cutie. Heck maybe all that drama made him even hotter....curious.

Jack Black. Funny, wild, loud, and a little off. He makes me feel all warm and fuzzy a filthy dirty sort of way.

Oh Dave. Sweet, Sinful, Delectable Dave. He is Y-U-M-M-Y. I can't even nail this down to one particular reason. His music, his ink, his piercings, his eyes. So yummy. Dave Navarro is definitely, without a doubt...fighting for #1 on my all time hottie list. Did I mention that i think he is yummy?

Okay, so I don't really swing that way, but if I did...I'd be swinging towards Jenny McCarthy. She is cute, funny, and oh so brazen. I think her absolutely fabulous. A definite hottie.

Matt Kennedy Gould (a.k.a. Joe Schmo) Don't ask me...I don't know. His personality is spectacular and I'm fairly sure it is what makes him such an unbelievable hottie. I didn't even realize that I thought he was a hottie until a few weeks ago while watching Battle of the Network Reality Stars with Kim. I was mesmerized. You Go Joe

And my final hottie...Oh yes...Those of you who know me know all too well my great obsession with the stunning Johnny Depp. Eccentric and mysterious, this man has it all. A good many of my friends and family think me insane to be fascinated by such a man...yes people I said fascinated. It rarely happens, but occasionally lightning strikes and fascination does indeed overcome me. And Mr. Depp certainly is lightning. Odd, my first thought was to say "Johnny Depp, there are no words." But I managed to find some didn't I. Mmmmmmm.

Well there you have it folks. My short list of Celebrity Hotties. Kudos to all those who made the list, and my deepest apologies for those who did not. Not to worry, there's always next time.