Thursday, March 06, 2008

Look Ma! I'm A Big Kid Now!!!

I am, quite frankly, a BIG GIRL! Not a "pull-ups" big kid either, just a BIG GIRL! I don’t recall ever being small, although old photos bear witness to the fact that I was indeed a quite normal size. Yet somehow in my mind I was convinced I was overweight...which led to my eating more (odd how that happens "I'm fat, better eat more! Wouldn't want to lose this girlish figure!" )

Regardless, I ate. And then I started having babies which led to the "YAY! Eating for two!" Thought process. Very sane, I assure you!

It was a nightmare rollercoaster. Eat more, get bigger, become depressed because I'm fat, eat more. UGH!!!!!

In February of 2002 my doctor recommended surgery, which I declined. Partly because I was moving to Japan , where I would not have the resources to correct anything that might go wrong long term, and partly because I honestly was convinced I could lose the weight on my own. (silly, silly me!)

I did indeed lose some weight overseas. I was active. Not marathon active, but I got out during the day and lived my life. I certainly didn't shed buckets of fat, but I lost a few pounds and felt tons better.

Then in the summer of 2006 I decided to make my move! I paid for a personal trainer and began my weight-loss regimen. Up at O'dark 30 for an hour workout with my trainer (hard core, I might add, he was a former marine!), followed by an hour of cardio at the gym, and then an hour of weight training in the afternoon. All this along with eating low calorie foods every 3 hours and the pounds FLEW off!!!! But who has 3 hours a day to commit to the gym?

That lasted 3 months, at which point I thought I would die from the intensity of it all, so I quit. Not slowed down, not backed off, QUIT!

Wrong, wrong move. For a while my weight stayed off (a while being 2 months) and then it began to sneak back. a little here, a little there. "No reason to turn down that mega plate of curry and rice!", "What's that? A binge fest at the garlic restaurant? Count me in!" And before I knew it I had packed every single pound back on

I felt horrible! Not just emotionally, but physically. Never had I realized the effects of carrying around all these extra pounds! I longed for the freedom of all that lost energy! Of being able to play football and baseball with my kids! Of living my LIFE! And I missed it, so when I moved back to the states in July of 07 I decided to sit down and have a heart to heart with my doctor.

She told me that I most certainly qualified for surgery (as evidenced by my HUGE ASS!!!!) So I went to see the surgeon in December and he started me on what this hospital calls "The Pathway", a series of classes to prepare one for life AFTER surgery.

I finished my pathway in January and then had my psychological evaluation in February (somehow I fooled them into thinking I was sane!). And NOW I finally have an appointment to schedule laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery! March 25th I should know a bit more.

Meanwhile I am working on convincing myself that I don't have to eat everything in sight. It isn’t as if I'll NEVER be able to eat again. It's a difficult hurdle to pass I assure you, but I'm trying!

I pray that I have learned from past failures. I am thankful for all the support of family and friends. And I very much look forward to living my life to the very fullest!

Oh...and most certainly to saying good-bye to my BIG GIRL status!


... said...

We are rooting for you from over the ocean....

Anonymous said...

No matter what size you are you are very much loved buttt being a big girl myself I feel your pain as if it were my own, hell it is my own. Food addicts are the s--ts! Hurrah for you!!! No advice, no warnings and much cheering. We all have to fight this battle in our own way and those of us watching you give you kudos for what you are doing. whorah!!!! Get er done honey.

Anonymous said...

in case you didn't recognize me that last comment was me.Duh what a flake. Hope it's not heredity!