Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hanging on my tree...

Recieved a box from my momma. In it was an ornament that has hung on my grandmothers tree for...forever. A little white glass mitten with my name & birthdate on it.

Kinda made me sad.

I think my grandparents should climb in that humungo RV I've heard so much about and come see me.

Because really...what fun is it to have a rolling mansion if you can't use it to see your eldest granddaughter?

That...and getting all of these little trinkets from thier house makes me feel like they are gone. This is NOT a good way to feel!!!

*eh hem*!!!


grma said...

Baby girl as long as you think of me I will always be there. We do plan are making a trip out that way but need to just get on the road and see how it's going to go. The need to feel alive again is strong. Every time you look at your mitten remember all the other Christmases and have a thought for me. I love you.

Ronda Holt said...

So does this mean it is safe to send some of Alex's stuff. :-)